Grain Bin Rescue Class
Stateline Farm Rescue Class
Class was held on Sept. 26 2015 at our station this was "hands on training" provided by Stateline Farm Rescue session was well worth our time. We opened the class to all area departments but none took advantage of the invitation they missed a great learning session.
The morning portion was all classroom covering the following areas victim recovery, interior air quality monitoring, securing equipment before entry, med flight cooperation, EMS involvement. After lunch the "hands-on" portion started.
Here we are trying to simulate a dust explosion in a demo chamber.
Here the class is briefed on the use of the cribbing panels uses in various ways to stop the flow of grain towards the victim.
Here we start the first session of rescue of a trapped person. In this training setup on the left side you see a auger, the trailer consists of a small grain bin (right side) and a hopper trailer (left side). The bin is filled then a "victim" enters the top of the bin in the center as corn is removed he is drawn down into the shelled corn the draw down is stopped when the corn is just above waist high. Then the rescue/recovery is started.
Rescue team members place these plastic pads inside the bin for them to stand on top of the grain thus keeping them from being sucked down like our victim.
The interlocking "cribbing panels" are placed around the victim.
The cribbing sections interlock and are adjustable for height. After completing the cribbing around the victim they are pushed down into the grain, here you see a step tool that helps in the "push down" of the sections.
Here the removal of grain/corn around the victim is under way if possible the victim is placed in a harness a secured with a rope. In training this is done before he enters the bin. The most effective way to remove the grain/corn is to use "hard hats" as buckets. A portable small power auger has been tried in the past but the hard hat method actually works quicker. Our "victim" in this case is alert and not injured so he assists in the removal of corn.
Our victim here is free, in the foreground one of the firefighters is holding a rod this can be placed through the hand holds in the cribbing and the victim can the try an pull himself free if he is able, otherwise the cribbing os pushed down lower and more grain is removed.
In the event of a victim being sucked down further into the grain and rescue now becomes a recovery of a deceased victim. Grain/Corn can be removed via cutting triangles in the bin sides. Here firefighters try the various cutting tools uses on actual bin sections from old bins. This slide shows the use of a skill saw with a carbide metal cutting blade being used.
Here a member is using a gas powered "rescue saw" also with a carbide style blade.
Finishing off the cuts a "sawzall" is used to finish off the cuts.
After the cuts have been made the v portion of the bin panel is pried up thus allowing the flow of grain/corn out of the bin. The cuts are made in locations around the bin that allow for the removal of the contents as it flows from the notch.